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Fall Schedule Update | Priscilla Baierlein Photography {Central KY Child & Family Photographer}

August 24, 2013

Hi, I'm cilla!
I am a loved, incredibly imperfect, storyteller of life, love, and joy. Photographer to some of the most genuine and beauty-filled people in KY.
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Let’s make family photo sessions a little bit easier. Just a small portion of the Lifestyle Session Guide all of my family’s receive.

With the sound of football in the distance, and the rush that has filled my house lately, it must be true…fall is just around the corner. It’s hard to believe. It seems like just yesterday we were enjoying our family vacation (which I will blog about soon). It’s funny, before I became a photographer, I only thought of things as they came. Sure I planned the big things…vacation, baby, etc. etc. But I didn’t buy Christmas gifts until way after Thanksgiving. I didn’t think about holiday plans until a couple weeks before. Now, I think of these things a full year in advance. Of course, I find myself up at 2 am because I am just now settling on my final location for October’s mini sessions. There’s something on my mind that I’m trying to find and I just can’t put my finger on it. For now, we’ll go with the tried and true locations that I love. Each of these show the best of fall in KY. Each are locations you can be comfortable at as a family. You can be yourselves. That’s what a mini is suppose to be, just a quick glimpse into who you are. I want to stay true to my vision of capturing love…the every day beauty of it…of you. I think I struggled for a while when I first started offering minis. I was trying to fit something else into the time I had. Now, instead, I treat each mini as if it’s a signature session. We relax and pretend there’s not a limit. This is my goal for every mini.
Some of you may remember that I mentioned changing my shooting schedule around to make time for my family and our crazy busy time of the year. I am still taking the same number of sessions, but they’re going to be on different days of the week.

Booking for fall has officially began! See image below for details…

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Let’s make family photo sessions a little bit easier. Just a small portion of the Lifestyle Session Guide all of my family’s receive.

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photos by Priscilla Baierlein
