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my favorite family photo session locations in Lexington Kentucky

July 20, 2022

Hi, I'm cilla!
I am a loved, incredibly imperfect, storyteller of life, love, and joy. Photographer to some of the most genuine and beauty-filled people in KY.
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Let’s make family photo sessions a little bit easier. Just a small portion of the Lifestyle Session Guide all of my family’s receive.

family photo session location in Lexington, KY

One of the first things we typically talk about when planning a family photo session is location. As a family photographer in Central KY, we have so many beautiful locations to choose from. From the rolling hills and black fence-lined fields and horse farms to cute little towns. There are several factors that go into choosing, but there are a few locations in the area that I go back to over and over again.

Each location has these key elements…

  1. It is a place where everyone can feel comfortable running and playing. Comfort is always key.

  2. It has good light. Typically a combination of areas with “open” shade and wide open spaces (Dixie Chicks playing in your head now? No?) with a good view of the sunset and in full sun.

  3. Is easily accessible. Meaning it’s easy to get to, but also meaning it’s an area that we will have open access to and permission.

  4. There’s a variety of spots to photograph in.

Now…here are my top five favorite locations for family photos in Lexington, KY and the surrounding areas.

1. Your home

I know…this may be unexpected since, maybe, your home doesn’t even have all of the key elements. But here’s the thing, it has the most important element…comfort. Not only that, but it’s the most custom session you can get. My ideal session includes at least a portion in your home. Can you imagine looking back at these images twenty years from now? Images right in the heart of your home. Don’t worry…I’m good at finding the right light and maximizing our space. Newborns are always photographed in the comfort of your own home and I highly recommend the same for all babies.

2. Keeneland

Keeneland is a very popular spot for all sorts of photo sessions, but, no matter how many times I’ve shot there, I feel like each and every session is different. I use to shoot near the paddock and barns mostly, but now I love photographing families in the fields behind Keene Barn. There’s a gravel road, a big field, trees, black fence, and trees for a bit of shade. It has such a beautiful view of sunset and has the perfect spot for those silhouette shots I love to get at the end of a session (when weather permits). There are several other spots I love shooting at there as well, which works great for our full sessions. We can get so much variety in one location. 

3. Talon Winery & Vineyards

This use to be my secret spot, but I don’t think it’s much of a secret any more. It’s actually where my wedding reception was held when they first fixed up the barn. It’s also where I did one of my very first family sessions. I love the big field, little gravelish road, and pond with a little dock. I’ve done countless sessions there and many have been my favorite and most special. The view at sunset is incredible and there’s plenty of room to run and play. Strangely enough, I usually stay away from the vineyard and stick to the fields.

4. Shaker Village

Shaker Village isn’t in Lexington, but close enough. There are so many different little areas to shoot in. Gravel roads, fields (sometimes we can catch some colorful little wildflowers), cute houses, a tree-lined road (which is so colorful in the fall, but also so busy with other photographers), a garden in the summer, and sometimes we can even capture some goats in the background. 

5. Gratz Park

Pink house…blue house…side by side…on a brick sidewalk with a grassy area with brick walkways winding throughout. Lots of shaded areas for when it’s early and too bright. Pink trees across the street during the spring. Tulips in the spring. Some color in the fall. I love shooting here for the variety in such a small area. My favorite part has to be the pink and blue houses. This is another spot that can be busy with photographers during certain times. Especially if it times up with prom season. If I have to shoot there during prom season, my sessions are typically later than most of the prom sessions and I can kind of work around the madness.

Now, my big secret…the location matters far less than we think it does. Everyone loves the colors of fall, but I would take an overgrown field at sunset over colorful trees any time. Low stress and great light matter far more than anything else. A parking lot with good light can be a great location. A small field on the side of the road with good light can be a great location. A lot down the street that’s up for sale with good light can be a great location. Your home is always a great location.

My ideal session location?

We start at your home and we end in some sort of outdoor area that has beautiful golden light…either your backyard or a big field somewhere nearby (Keeneland or Talon being my favorites). Or your favorite place! The lake, camping, the beach, Disney. All of it! I’m here for it!

I’ll go back to my number one rule that I tell all of my people I get to photograph…as long as you have love, you have everything you need for us to create magic.

  1. Rebecca Farren says:

    I love your philosophy for selecting a session location as well as your beautiful images shown!

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Let’s make family photo sessions a little bit easier. Just a small portion of the Lifestyle Session Guide all of my family’s receive.

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